Quick Set Up: 

Each player gets 4 cards, facedown.
Look at the 2 rightmost cards and memorize them.


Players take turns picking a card from the middle deck and swapping it with one of their cards to achieve the lowest score.
Once a player feels they've swapped enough cards, they call "SCREW." All players then reveal their cards to determine the round's winner.

Play 4 rounds to find the overall match winner.

How to play

Starting Hands: Each player begins with 4 cards, which they place face down on the table without looking at them.

Initial Peek:
Players are allowed to look at the first two cards on their right-hand side only at the beginning of the game. They cannot look at their cards again until the game allows them to do so.

Gameplay Order: Players take turns in clockwise order. Taking Turns: On their turn, a player draws a card from the main deck.

Decision Time: The player can either: Keep the drawn card by swapping it with one of their own cards. Drop the drawn card on the game floor if it's a special card mentioned in the rules.

Keeping Cards Secret
: Players must keep their cards hidden until they make their final decision. Swapping Cards: If a player chooses to swap cards, they can exchange the drawn card with one of their known cards or one of their unknown cards, taking the risk of losing a low-point card.

Stealing Low Cards: If a low card is dropped on the floor, the next player can steal it and swap it with one of their own cards.

Ending the Game: If a player believes they have the lowest score, they can end the game by saying "screw" on their turn instead of drawing a new card. The game then ends when it returns to the player who called "screw."

Scoring: After the game ends, players reveal their cards, and points are tallied based on the values of the cards they hold. The player with the lowest total score wins.

Card #7 and Card #8: Allow the player to look at ONE card of their own.

Card #9 and Card #10: Allow the player to look at another person’s card.

Give and Take card: allows the player to swap one of their cards with another player’s card blindly. If either player looks at their cards while swapping they get to keep both cards.

Around the World card: allows the player to look at ONE card from each player including their own.

Match card: allows the player to “Basra” (player can drop any card of their own with no penalty) this allows the player to have one card less from their deck.

Give and Take

Around The World

Match Card

Screw card: adds 25 points

Screwdriver card:
this card equals ZERO it can only benefit you.

Screw Driver


-1 card: take away one point from the player’s score

+20 card: adds 20 points to the player’s final score

